Look around you. There are mobile phones everywhere. People talk, message,
play, while they eat , walk and run. You name an action and that can be done in parallel
while on a mobile. Whatever happened to people talking to people? Or enjoying
food without the need to hear a voice on the other end? Or walking without
thinking about anything, just plain walking looking around at trees and birds
(well, not many to look at nowadays - thanks to the million intersecting
waves). People have lost the sense of a real society. You send a message to
your colleague in the different room, you tweet, fb message your friend on the
same floor. I am not an exception except that I used to do the same for
official reasons. But I question why?
When a person types in :) or ‘lol’ or ‘rofl’, does that mean he/she is smiling?
NO. Most of the time, it is a habit, courtesy. You are online; you see your
friend ping you but choose to ignore it. Your best friend. Why? Because you can. Emotions have been
replaced by emoticons and each of us has lost the identity. Nobody is plain
vanilla anymore and most of the time; we do not even know that. We all have a
cyber personality. And we get confused between the real and the unreal. I can hear people yelling -'You cynic..' :)
People have changed, the world has changed, for the better or worse, I do
not know. There used to be times when our ancestors were contented to be who
they were. Few of them lived only to survive, while the other fortunate ones
lived for art and music, science, and most of all passion of some kind. Few
notes of music, a concert, some books, some equations, a scripture, would be
enough to make them happy. Now, we need a CTC, benefits, reimbursements and
what not. We are moving with the tide, and thus are not able to sense the pace
at which we are moving. Life has become unhandleable. There is an invisible
hand that is controlling us all. Well, it used to be God, now it is something
else - ambition, money, power, fame, competition and most of all , sense “non-contentment”
- if there is word.
I am certainly not an exception – just encouraging people to indulge more
in the little joys that make life more meaningful. This is not a very
structured ‘scribble’, just random thoughts.. and I know many will disagree!
But, after all, it is a free world!