Monday, February 4, 2019

The bond

One has seen life, the other is about to, one has known, experienced , lived, the other is going to know, experience and live. But they are the bestest of friends, they bare their soul to each other and they laugh and live like they are the same age.

They feed off each other and live off one another. Distances dont matter, time doesnt matter, they hit off where they left. Childhood is relived, time is being made. 

This bond is sacred, divine, necessary and absolutely fantastic. I am so glad that in some small way, I have helped seal this.

I am so glad that I knew mine. I lived her childhood through her eyes. She lived mine. 

This is the "Grand" bond, strong, loving and ever-lasting. For the self-less grandparents and the ever-loving grandchildren whose hearts brim with an emotion more than love, more than affection and something so brilliantly "un-nameable"

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