Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The UN speaker and the Socialist

PTM time and it's exciting.
I confidently walk across to the medical room which is the make-shift  ptm space. The teacher starts with - what can I say about her ma'am, she is perfect in everything she does. She is sincere and next year I plan to put in a word for extended work.

She talks about her writing, math skills and science interests. She asks me if I have seen her model un speech and urges me to to read it . She says she will be great at whatever she chooses to do in life. She gives me a breakdown of her temperament, interactions (with her friends and sister). She has kept an eye on my kid as though she was one of her own.
I brim with pride for my daughter and heartfelt gratitude for the teacher. The rare teardrop makes an appearance.

I gingerly move on to the next classroom. The teacher has her things out and I put in my bag. She starts off by saying how her handwriting has improved and how confident and vocal she had become. How friendly she is with both boys and girls alike and how beautifully she can sing and dance.

The teacher has been the second mother to my child. The little caterpillar entered this class and has come out a beautiful butterfly.
I brim with pride for my daughter and heartfelt  gratitude for the teacher. Again, I realize that now that not so rear tear drop makes an appearance

Two different feedbacks but two absolutely brilliant feedbacks. My daughters are different in so many ways and similar in so many ways. I shall and should celebrate each similarity and difference with equal pride.
Love them.

1 comment:

  1. Brillianr! So proud of the girls and how you and Karthik are bringing them up! Good work! 😘😘
